Dr. Claudio Lucchese is a researcher with the I.S.T.I. “A. Faedo” – C.N.R. since 2007. Prior to joining C.N.R., he received his MS.c. and Ph.D. from the Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia in 2003 and 2008, respectively. His main research activities are in the areas of data mining techniques for information retrieval, large-scale data processing and cloud computing. He has published more than 60 papers on these topics in peer reviewed international journals, conferences and other venues. He has teached courses on data mining and parallel computing at the Computer Science dept. of the Università di Firenze. He participated to and coordinated activities in the EC projects Sapir, S-Cube, Assets and InGeoClouds. On Jan. 30th, 2014, he received the (Italian) National Scientific Qualification as Associate Professor in Computer Science.