Vincenzo Verzino


From Crotone to Pisa, my path touched different cities where I had the opportunity to make different experiences, all connected by the passion for marketing research and data analysis. I firstly graduated in Economics & Management in Parma and moved to Turin to attend a first level master in Management. I obtained a Master Degree in Marketing Management with a thesis on brand equity measurement models and moved right away to Malta, where I worked as financial consultant for about one year. Once back to Italy, I had an experience working in Marketing and Business Planning office for Cariparma, in La Spezia. I decided to attend this Master in Big Data to integrate my knowledge of analysis software as SPSS and R with data mining and machine learning techniques as well as python and SQL programming languages.


Domenico Matteo Bianco


He was born in Padua (Italy) in 1992. He obtained his master’s degree with honors in physics at the University of Padua in 2016. He wrote a theoretical thesis on cosmic inflation. In particular, he studied the observable predictions, i.e. the statistical properties of the Cosmic Microwave Background, of some inflationary models recently proposed in the context of supergravity theories. He has always been interested in mathematics and computer science and, during the years spent at university, he has discovered the promising profession of data scientist. Finally, he has decided to attend this postgraduate course to supplement his previous studies. https://www.linkedin.com/in/dm-bianco/


Massimo Tosato


Born in Vicenza in 1989. After a scientific high school diploma, he earns a bachelor’s degree in Communication Science from the university of Verona, presenting an experimental thesis on the dynamics of virtualization of minor ethnic communities. He subsequently moves to Siena to study the relationships between social networks, cultural structures and communicative agency in the digital mediascape by attending the courses of the master’s degree in Visual Anthropology. Here he synthesizes a proposal for a social research methodology to be applied to the internet, which finds application in an ethnographic thesis titled “To recognize and accept the real in the virtual. r/Italy, online ethnography of a ‘virtual community’”. After graduating with honors, he decides to continue his studies to equip himself with Data Science techniques and perspectives to integrate the extraction and functional manipulation of information with storytelling capabilities and knowledge processing.


Mauro Mario Gentile


Trilingual engineer, graduated with academic honours, in possession of an MBA from IESE Business School and a 10+ years of international professional experience as strategic consultant, project manager and entrepreneur. Examples of Data Science projects he had exposition to, include the census and segmentation of Italian Twitters users project, developed with the Big Data department at ISTAT; the design of a predictive statistical model to foresee raw material prices for the largest dairy products company in Spain; the foundation of a company that designs point of sales technological elements that detect patterns on in-store customers’ behaviour and enable retailers to formulate personalized marketing strategies.


Massimiliano Davì


After graduating in philosophy of knowledge and communication, Massimiliano obtained a doctoral degree in Philosophy from the University Paris 1 Phanthéon Sorbonne and the University of Palermo with his research on Wittgenstein's logic and grammar of ordinary language. Thereafter he decided, as a computer enthusiast, he thereafter enrolled in a post- graduate Master on Big Data, driven by his interest in Machine Learning, Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining. 


Stefano Lonati


Stefano nasce a Milano nel 1986 e, da sempre alla ricerca di uno strumento per comprendere meglio la realtà che lo circonda, è convinto di aver trovato un potente alleato nell'analisi dei dati, che ha scoperto durante gli studi di laurea magistrale in Economia, Politica ed Istituzioni Internazionali. Dopo aver conseguito la laurea con il massimo dei voti grazie ad una tesi sperimentale sull'uso dei metodi di data mining applicati ai contesti didattici, Stefano lavora un anno in un progetto di cooperazione internazionale a Livingstone (Zambia), dove scopre con piacere che ciò che ha studiato sui libri gli è di grande aiuto per orientarsi e per comprendere una società così distante dalla sua.
Una volta rientrato in Italia, in attesa di perfezionare i suoi studi in analisi dei dati, Stefano lavora come assistente di direzione in una start-up e scopre le piccole gioie, le frustrazioni, l'impegno e la determinazione necessari per creare una nuova impresa.



Alice Giorgio


Alice Giorgio was born in Potenza in 1987 and obtained a Master of Science Degree in Economics and Management of Public Administration and International Institutions (Bocconi University, 2012) with a thesis entitled “The natural resource curse: empirical analysis of Basilicata case”. During her formation, she studied public management and strategy, analysis of industrial and local development policies, policy evaluation and project management. Prior to joining Enrico Mattei Eni Foundation (FEEM) in June 2012, she experienced an internship at the “United Nations Joint Programme for Youth Employment and Migration” in Tirana, Albania. During this experience she also participated in the organization of training programs supporting Albanian top public management bodies in the introduction of data and data analysis into policy processes. In collaboration with FEEM she deals with both theoretical and applied research projects and support activities for the public and private sectors on issues related to local development.



Oscar Dinarelli


Oscar earned Master degree in experimental psychology at the Florence University in 2015, his thesis work was presented in the poster session of the IMRF (International Multisensory Research Forum) 2015. An old and strong passion for the Open source universe directs his interest towards technology and programming, in addition both this passion and his background led him to look at technology from  a human-centered perspective. 


Cosimo Curiale


In July of 2014 he obtained a Master's Degree in Medical and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology at the University of Florence with 110/110 cum Laude.He plays a thesis on the study of the molecular mechanisms involved in the process of carcinogenesis of colorectal cancer (familial adenomatous polyposis) analyzing the gene expression profile of transgenic rats used as a study model. While at university, he follows a training course at the Biophysics Laboratory of the Department of Biochemistry where he continued his studies on protein folding mechanisms, structural analysis of proteins and protein - protein interaction systems. A training very focused in the laboratory practice allows him to use various bioinformatics and biophysical techniques oriented on Big Data analysis (e.g. DNA - microarray, confocal microscopy), here comes his interest in the study of the Big Data .


Vittorio Malaguti


Vittorio Malaguti is interested in studying anthropology and cultures. He graduated at the University of Pavia in 2015 in philosophy, with a thesis on cultural memory and the correlated political view; he likes to study the shapes of cities, Kant, medieval history. He refuses to choose between humanist studies and scientific knowledge, so he sat at the edge, finding in computer science both an interesting new branch of knowledge, surprisingly so akin with philosophy, and a powerful tool to understand our lives. He is amazed by pythons.



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