Leonardo Nizzoli was born in Pisa in 1984. After graduating in Physics in 2010, he worked more than 5 years as a researcher in a R&D company devoted to the implementation of marine wave energy converters. In 2016 he attended the Post Graduate Master in Big Data Analytics and Social Mining at the University of Pisa. He spent the training period at Enel Global Thermal Generation, where he realized - in collaboration with Angela Italiano - a data driven machine learning model able to predict thermo-acoustic instabilities in natural gas turbines. After this experience, he spent some month at General Electric -Nuovo Pignone, working on Industrial IoT applications with a grant from Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna. Presently, he is a PhD student at the Information Engineering Department of the University of Pisa, and he collaborates with the IIT-CNR institute, working on Social Media Intelligence applications in the group leaded by Maurizio Tesconi. He is a CAI member and a trekking enthusiast.